Monday, December 29, 2014

It’s All Going Mobile. We Get It. Now What?

When I finally stopped counting, I found 43 articles posted this week on various publications proclaiming that everything was going mobile and that marketers and businesses need to make the appropriate adjustments. All of the articles had two things in common: they gave reasons why we needed to market to mobile users and they didn’t give very good ways other than the basic or generic methods for doing so.

Well, I’m here to give you some good ways to do it. That’s all. No need to convince you that you need to do it. If you’re reading this article, you already know. If you’re not reading this article, you probably already know. Now, let’s get away from why and start really digging into how.

Build Everything for Mobile

Everything. I didn’t say most things. I didn’t say “everything digital” or “all of your advertising”. I said “everything” and I mean it.

Signs. Billboards. Television commercials. Radio spots. Newspaper ads. PPC campaigns. Social media posts. Your website. You employees’ apparel.

Pretend like people will be either carrying around smartphones and tablets with them everywhere they go. Pretend like their primary method for interacting with businesses is not the phone, not their email, not their laptops, and not coming to see you in person. Pretend like they’re on the verge of using their mobile device even when they’re in your store. Now, stop pretending because all of that is already a reality.

Watch your customers if you have a physical location. How many of them check their phones during the visit? If you don’t have a physical location, check your analytics. Look at the devices through which they’re viewing your website.

Now, give them the opportunity to have a mobile experience with everything you have. Once you have the opportunities in line, give them the reason to act. For example:

  • Forget about paper coupons. Put virtual coupons at your store if they download your app or go to the “In-Store Customer Discount Page” on your website.

  • Restaurant owners, post videos and articles about particular recipes showing how you cook your signature dishes. You don’t have to give away the whole recipe if it’s secret, but you can get your visitors interacting with your food, even sharing this content on social media before, during, and after they have eaten it.

  • Let customers post to your site, community, or social profiles. In fact, encourage them. Give them incentive to do so. Tell them if they post a selfie with your sign in the background, they’ll get 10% off. Images posted to Facebook or Twitter are much better than checkins on Yelp.

I could spit out ideas for hours, but we’re writing an article, not a book. Think of ideas for yourself. What can you do with everything you have to make it part of the mobile experience.

A Mobile-Only Website Would Work

All too often, we build a website for the company and make it really pretty on a desktop, but we neglect to put the same effort in for mobile. Whether you’re using responsive, adaptive, mobile-ready, or full-site only platforms, make sure that your website is designed specifically for mobile.

In fact, if your primary website mimicked a mobile experience, you’re better off than if your mobile website mimics a desktop experience. At some point in the near future, we will begin to see more websites that appear like mobile websites even when viewed on desktops. This is a good thing. Those who start doing it early will be ahead of the curve.

Social is Mobile

For a while there, it was looking as if Facebook would be able to become the only web presence. They faltered, then interest dropped off, but they got close. Now, we’re still stuck with our standard online presence and our social presence.

But wait! It doesn’t have to be so partitioned. Social media sites, Facebook in particular, have very powerful mobile connections. By drawing as many people in as possible to engage with you through their mobile devices on social media, you can start to bridge the gap and work towards a unified web presence. This is much trickier than what I can explain in a short article, but the strategy is one that we’re implementing for clients now.

If you think social, think mobile. If you think mobile, make it work with social. Both can be made local, thus the SoLoMo concept that has been so popular at marketing conferences for a few years now.

Erase All Desktop and Analog Thinking from Your Mindset

This is the most important thing to do. We’ve hammered it so far in this article with everything we’ve said. Now we’re going to push it all the way through to the other side.

You don’t have a mobile website and a desktop website. You have a website. You don’t have social media fans on mobile and social media fans on desktop. They’re all on mobile (or will be eventually). You don’t have customers walking through your doors who aren’t seconds away from having their phone in their hand. Embrace it.

Buzzwords like “showrooming” and “competitive shopping” are real but pretty much meaningless until you have a purely mobile strategy for everyhing you do. Keep that in mind next time you’re looking at your advertising and marketing budgets. If an expenditure doesn’t assist in taking advantage of a mobile society, consider letting it go.

via Soshable

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Been on a ribeye kick. Rib roast, medium rare, grilled, then broiled. #NoFilterNeeded

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White Dragon King Crown Beta

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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Philippians 4:13 – all things through Christ

Philippians 4:13

Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

It is such a simple verse, yet one that is so profound. Regardless of the task, great or small, important or trivial, Yeshua is there for us as our guiding light, not only to have the strength to do these things but also to know which things we are supposed to be doing in the first place.

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Saturday, December 20, 2014

My daughter's soccer team is getting a crash course on charcoaled sirloin tonight. #RuckerPotluckContribution

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Sony Does Not Represent America. At Least it Shouldn’t.

Sony Studios

Sony pictures did a bad thing. Then, they did a worse thing. Unfortunately, America will likely suffer as a result of both actions.

There has been tons of commentary, plenty of celebrities, and even a President who has expressed deep annoyance at Sony pictures for being bullied by North Korea. We don’t need to rehash that or why it’s wrong. Let’s take a look at their original misdeed and then discuss what this means in the larger scheme of the current American direction in the world.

First, the movie itself…

The Interview is American Entertainment Gone Amok

The first thing that Sony did wrong was to make The Interview in the first place. America has taken the lead for several decades in using our media might to expose wrongdoing internally and around the world. Our journalists risk their lives to bring the world the stories of persecution and abuse. Documentary makes take similar risks diving deeper into evils that the world needs to see.

Hollywood has been trending for a long time in the opposite direction. I’m not talking about the individuals that make up the industry but Hollywood as an entity itself. It embraces the sins that other countries use to condemn us. It paints a picture of a morally and ethically suffocated society that likes loud explosions, gratuitous sex scenes, and cultural superiority disguised as patriotism.

The Interview as a movie represents the most immature and uncaring aspects of our entertainment-driven culture. This isn’t exposing the terrible environment that the people of North Korea exist in throughout their lives. One only has to watch the trailer and have experience with the previous works of thespians like Seth Rogen and James Franco to know that this is a raunchy comedy that attempts to push the limits of decency in order to fill seats and get chuckles.

It’s not even true parody. They created a fictional world with real elements in an egotistical attempt to remove boundaries of decency. “We’re Hollywood and we can say what we want. The world needs to lighten up.”

America needs to be the ideological leaders of the world. Unfortunately, Hollywood is one of the biggest representations of America with reach that far exceeds our journalists, activists, and leaders. More people around the world see the debauchery and self-announced grandeur that comes from Hollywood than any of the good things the people of this country do abroad.

This movie epitomizes the worst parts of Hollywood and should never have been made in the first place.

Facing the Unfortunate Reality of Today

A nation is represented by its people. There was a time not too long ago when the majority of what America represented based upon the actions of the people was admirable. Today, it seems like we’re on the verge of becoming what our detractors worldwide have been calling us for decades: glutinous, spoiled, and dangerous.

There are millions of Americans who represent the concept of America properly. In fact, I would go so far as to say the vast majority of Americans are living the right way. However, those with the greatest reach and loudest voices are the ones that are seen by the outside world and their message is not the right representation of what the American people want.

We aren’t a country that promotes spying on our allies or the innocent people in the country and across the world, but the NSA has unwittingly made others believe that we are.

We aren’t a country that makes light of persecution or suffering, but Hollywood has told the world otherwise.

We aren’t a country that turns its back on the religious principles that helped to mold us from the start, but many of our leaders and members of the media paint that very picture.

This list of sins and crimes against humanity could go on and on, and none of them are true representations of what the majority of Americans embrace, but the powers that be do very little to represent us to the world properly. We must stop our politicians from misrepresenting us. We must not support Hollywood’s attempt to paint us with the brush of debauchery and callous indulgences. We must make the media report our perspectives properly rather than based on an erroneous, agenda-driven ideology that is held by the few rather than the majority.

Sony should not have made the movie. However, they did even worse by painting us as a weak nation that can be bullied by terrorists.

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The Unaddressed Evolutionary Challenge of the Eye’s Origins

Eye Origins

The debate about the evolution of the eye has been a flashpoint of passion since evolution was first proposed. Debaters on both sides have focused on the concept of irreducible complexity, single- versus multi-source origins, and biochemical gaps that seem to jump in either explicable or inexplicable ways (depending on which side of the argument one is on).

There’s something that you don’t hear about very often. It lies in simple logic, even common sense. There’s no reason for the evolutionists to consider it because it’s a flaw in their thinking. It’s harder to understand why creationists have not discussed it more deeply and after much research I haven’t found a very good exploration. The idea surrounds a question, one that doesn’t ask how the eye was created but rather why it was initially brought into being.

How can something evolve to detect the presence of light if there was nothing prior to know that light existed in the first place?

This is not going to be an in-depth exploration into the question. That, I’ll leave for those who have more time and focus. We are not here for apologetics. We don’t try to “prove” creation or the existence of God. However, it’s interesting how this topic has not been addressed more fully.

At first, I figured there must be a simple answer that I missed, one that is well-known in evolutionary circles to combat this issue, but after exploring the topic and discussing it with many, I found nothing. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I “stumped” evolutionists I discussed, but responses were very mixed and clearly concerning from their perspective.

Science can trace back the origins of they eye to basic photo-receptors on simple organisms designed to give them understanding about the directional source of light. However, it has not given a reasonable explanation for how this amazing trait spawned in the first place. It cannot be dismissed to the evolutionist’s favorite trick, mutation. There is a tremendous gap between not having and photosensitive cells and having them because it requires multiple simultaneous complex mutations to form the most basic light-detecting organs.

A common argument is that the detection of light evolved from an inherent ability to detect heat, but this concept has many flaws as well. Light and heat are only loosely associated in a pre-historic world where gravity is the easier concept for simple creatures to sense. There would not have been a need to detect heat through the presence of light when going against gravity in the prehistoric goo of an evolutionist’s worldview would bring creatures closer to the warmth of the surface.

To generate the evolutionary need for creatures to detect light and therefore develop photo-sensitive cells, they would have needed to understand that light existed in the first place. With nothing to let them know that light existed, there would have been no need for photo-receptors to evolve in the first place. Eyespots are the earliest stage of the evolution of the eye. You can trace it all back to eyespots. However, there is no explanation for why eyespots came into being.

It’s not as elegant as the argument against the evolution of flight or the metamorphosis dilemma, but it is an argument that evolutionists have never been able to reconcile and is therefore a valid point of discussion.

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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Socks. Best gift all year.

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Looks safe and effective

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Researchers developed a farm for plastic-eating mushrooms

Researchers developed a farm for plastic-eating mushrooms

Traditional plastics take anywhere from 20 to 1,000 years to break down naturally, often times blocking waterways and killing animals in the process. It’s for this reason that two industrial designers from Vienna have teamed up with a group of microbiologists from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands to create something called the Fungi Mutarium.

This Mutarium is a glass dome that houses several pods that contain bits and pieces of plastic within their cavities. These pods are made up of a combination of agar, sugar, and starch that serve as food to nourish the fungi that the Mutarium is designed to contain. Mycelia, which is the thread-like parts of a mushroom, is mixed into a liquid and then dropped into the pods.

As these mushrooms grow, they eat through both the pods and the pieces of plastic contained within them. Not only does this serve to drastically speed up the process of degrading plastic, it also creates an edible mushroom with a neutral taste.

Obviously, these small pods aren’t even close to being enough to solve the world’s plastic problem, especially considering that it still takes the mushrooms months to eat through the plastic, but they’re definitely a step in the right direction.

The team is currently looking for ways to speed up the degradation process by manipulating the temperature, humidity, and various other elements of the environment within the dome. They’ve also considered using genetic modifications to make the fungi grow faster, but they currently lack the necessary funding to do so.

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Canadian researchers develop new spray-on solar cells

Canadian researchers develop new spray-on solar cells

Solar cells are arguably one of the most promising forms of alternative energy out there at the moment. The power of the sun is available to everyone, in every part of the globe, every single day. However, while the power of the sun may be readily accessible, the technology required to actually harness that power isn’t.

Rooftops are one of the most popular places to put solar panels, but they’re big, clunky, and often times prohibitively expensive. Many people also don’t like how they look on a house, including numerous homeowners associations that have been known to reject the installation of rooftop solar panels completely. Fortunately, a group of Canadian researchers may have found a solution.

Researchers at University of Toronto claim to have developed a technique for spraying solar cells onto surfaces that’s both more simple and more affordable than previous technologies, which means that it has a much greater chance of becoming popular.

Spray-on solar cells have the ability to turn surfaces that’re too sloped, rounded, flexible, or otherwise unsuitable for rigid solar panels into suitable surfaces. This new method uses light-sensitive materials known as colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) that can be sprayed or printed onto an ultra-thin film which could then be applied to any surface like cellophane wrap.

“My dream is that one day you’ll have two technicians with Ghostbusters backpacks come to your house and spray your roof,” said Illan Kramer, a post-doctoral fellow with The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto and IBM Canada’s Research and Development Center, as quoted by TreeHugger.

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Saturday, December 13, 2014

What Christians Need to Know About Christmas

Is Christmas Pagan

There has been an awakening over the past few years, particularly in western society. More people are learning that Christmas and Easter have roots in pagan religions. Many are aware that much of the symbolism and the very origin of these holidays are tied completely against the Word of God. Unfortunately, most do have the perspective that the “spirit of Christmas” or the way that we feel in our hearts supersedes the truth. “It may have pagan roots, but that’s not what it means to me.”

This is a very false understanding. As Jim Staley from Passion for Truth Ministries says, it’s not what it means to us. It’s what it means to Him.

Christmas and Easter are misleading symbols promoted by the enemy to keep believers doing things against our Lord unwittingly.

The video below by Staley makes some really good points. It addresses much of the history of Christmas, Easter, and other holidays in ways that Christians need to hear. We do not agree with every piece of evidence nor all of the conclusions that Staley reaches, but the overall video is sound.

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Friday, December 12, 2014

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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Monday, December 8, 2014

She's definitely a Rucker with all of the best parts of her Daniel family side mixed in.

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Poisonous mushrooms could help create side effect-free drugs

Poisonous mushrooms could help create side effect-free drugs

While there are plenty of species of mushroom that are perfectly edible, there are even more that can make ill or even kill you if you eat one. In the process of studying how these fungi manage to be so poisonous, a team of researchers at Michigan State University may have discovered a way to create a new generation of pharmaceuticals with highly targeted side effects, according to Geek.

The study, which is available in the journal Chemistry and Biology, talks about a previously undiscovered enzyme that’s behind the deadliness of poisonous mushrooms. The study also reveals how the enzyme contributes to the manufacture of chemical compounds known as cyclic peptides, which is a type of molecule that many pharmaceutical companies favor.

“Mushrooms are prolific chemical factories, yet only a few of their peptides are poisonous,” said plant biologist Jonathan Walton in a statement, as quoted by Nature World News. “These toxins survive the high temperatures of cooking and the acids of digestion, and yet they’re readily absorbed by the bloodstream and go directly to their intended target. These are the exact qualities needed for an effective medicine.”

Youth Health notes that, while the study certainly doesn’t encourage the consumption of these mushrooms, it does suggest that these enzymes could be used to produce medicine that serves only a specific purpose, which could significantly reduce or even completely eliminate possible side effects a the drugs don’t need to affect the patient’s other organs.

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Side effects could be eliminated from drugs using mushrooms

Side effects could be eliminated from drugs using mushrooms

While there are plenty of species of mushroom that are perfectly edible, there are even more that can make ill or even kill you if you eat one. In the process of studying how these fungi manage to be so poisonous, a team of researchers at Michigan State University may have discovered a way to create a new generation of pharmaceuticals with highly targeted side effects, according to Geek.

The study, which is available in the journal Chemistry and Biology, talks about a previously undiscovered enzyme that’s behind the deadliness of poisonous mushrooms. The study also reveals how the enzyme contributes to the manufacture of chemical compounds known as cyclic peptides, which is a type of molecule that many pharmaceutical companies favor.

“Mushrooms are prolific chemical factories, yet only a few of their peptides are poisonous,” said plant biologist Jonathan Walton in a statement, as quoted by Nature World News. “These toxins survive the high temperatures of cooking and the acids of digestion, and yet they’re readily absorbed by the bloodstream and go directly to their intended target. These are the exact qualities needed for an effective medicine.”

Youth Health notes that, while the study certainly doesn’t encourage the consumption of these mushrooms, it does suggest that these enzymes could be used to produce medicine that serves only a specific purpose, which could significantly reduce or even completely eliminate possible side effects a the drugs don’t need to affect the patient’s other organs.

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Friday, December 5, 2014

Researchers use ultrasound to create holograms that you can feel

Researchers use ultrasound to create holograms that you can feel

It wasn’t too long ago that virtual reality seemed like a sci-fi fantasy at worst and a far off dream at best, but at this point it seems like just a matter of time. New Scientist is reporting that a new company by the name of UltraHaptics has designed an advanced system of projected sound waves that create 3D virtual objects that you’re actually able to feel with your hand.

“We’ve been working on this for over four years,” Tom Carter, the CTO of Ultrahaptics, told Mashable. “The goal of the company isn’t to launch its own product, we want this tech to become embedded in lots of different products, from clocks, to home appliances to cars. To do that, we needed to engage OEMs as a company.”

The British company originally developed the system at the University of Bristol’s research labs. The developers are able to deliver different haptic feedback and virtually tactile shapes by using the system to pulse the feedback of ultrasonic waves or changing their modulation frequency, according to Discovery News, as demonstrated in this video.

“Touchable holograms, immersive virtual reality that you can feel and complex touchable controls in free space, are all possible ways of using this system,” said Dr. Ben Long the lead developer behind the system, as quoted by CNET. “In the future, people could feel holograms of objects that would not otherwise be touchable, such as feeling the differences between materials in a CT scan or understanding the shapes of artefacts in a museum.”

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UK’s “biased” energy scheme gets taken to European court

UK’s “biased” energy scheme gets taken to European court

Tempus Energy, a British company whose goal is to cut consumer energy bills by helping them use cheaper power, has launched a legal challenge against the United Kingdom government in response to the capacity market, a scheme that’s designed to make sure there’s always enough back-up to meet peaks in electricity demand, according to Carbon Brief.

The challenge was submitted to the European General Court on Thursday on the grounds that the scheme violates State Aid rules by prioritizing energy that’s generated by burning fossil fuels over cheaper and cleaner efforts to reduce demand, according to Express and Star. European Union rules require subsidies to be in line with European goals, such as combatting climate change, according to Engineering and Technology.

“The Capacity Market was originally set up to keep the lights on at the lowest possible cost; a format that has been used very successfully in the US,” said Sara Bell, the CEO of Tempus Energy, as quoted by Click Green. “But an engrained, institutional bias in favor of building new assets to boost supply means that cost effective ‘no build’ technologies for managing demand have been ignored.”

“This will push up electricity bills needlessly and commit consumers to paying for capacity that we would not need if we invested in building demand-flexibility, for those who want to use it.,” Bell continued, adding that “the lack of commitment to innovation from the Government will stymie investment and therefore the advancement of a smart industry that could fundamentally transform our energy economy.”

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Europe greenlights its Extremely Large Telescope

Europe greenlights its Extremely Large Telescope

The European Southern Observatory (ESO) has announced that its main governing body, the Council, has approved the organization’s planned construction project in Chile, meaning that humans will have access to the appropriately named “European Extremely Large Telescope” by 2024, according to Mashable.

“The decision taken by Council means that the telescope can now be built, and that major industrial construction work for the E-ELT is now funded and can proceed according to plan,” said Tim de Zeeuw, the ESO’s Director General, on its official website. “There is already a lot of progress in Chile on the summit of Armazones and the next few years will be very exciting.”

The ESO, a 15-nation intergovernmental research organization that includes most of western Europe, will build the telescope on top of a mountain called Cerro Armazones, in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile, according to The Verge. Once construction is finished, the Cerro Armazones mountain will sport a 39-meter aperture optical and infrared telescope.

“The funds that are now committed will allow the construction of a fully working E-ELT that will be the most powerful of all the extremely large telescope projects currently planned, with superior light-collecting area and instrumentation,” said de Zeeuw, as quoted by Space. “It will allow the initial characterization of Earth-mass exoplanets, the study of the resolved stellar populations in nearby galaxies as well as ultra-sensitive observations of the deep universe.”

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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

France wants to eliminate carbon-spewing diesel-powered vehicles

France wants to eliminate carbon-spewing diesel-powered vehicles

France is going to kill off diesel-powered passenger vehicles, according to Prime Minister Manuel Valls, who announced his intention to begin eliminating them from the nation’s roads, according to a report from Reuters, as part of a broader environmental effort that will include implementing a pollution rating system for vehicles next year.

“In France, we have long favored the diesel engine. This was a mistake, and we will progressively undo that, intelligently and pragmatically,” Prime Minister Valls said in a speech, as quoted by Autoblog.

Under his new plan, France’s 2015 budget measures will attempt to reduce the tax advantage of diesel-powered vehicles versus gasoline-powered one in order to try and encourage consumers to choose other vehicles. Additionally, people swapping older diesels for electric vehicles could be entitled to a tax credit of up to €10,000 ($13,500).

On top of this, France will implement a pollution rating system for vehicles next year and will grant municipal governments the ability to limit access to the heaviest polluters. Prime Minister Valls believes that government and local authorities need to set an example by encouraging more environmentally friendly vehicle use, according to Fox News.

Unlike the gasoline-centric United States, where diesel is more commonly associated with big semi-trucks, about 80% of the passenger vehicles in France are diesel-powered, due in large part to the fact that the nation’s tax system makes diesel about 15% cheaper than gasoline, a policy that most countries in Europe have a similar version of, according to Automotive News.

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UN climate discussions begin in Peru as temperature continue to rise

UN climate discussions begin in Peru as temperature continue to rise

The 20th session of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) began in Lima, Peru on Monday. Representatives from nearly 200 nations across the globe met in order to discuss how to slow, and potentially reverse, man-made global warming with the goal of producing a blueprint that can be formed into a new global climate agreement by 2015, according to Mashable.

“Never before have the risks of climate change been so obvious and the impacts so visible,” said Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UNFCCC as quoted by International Business Times. “Never before have we seen such a desire at all levels of society to take climate action. Never before has society had all the smart policy and technology resources to curb greenhouse gas emissions and build resilience.”

“2014 is threatening to be the hottest year in history and emissions continue to rise, we need to act urgently,” said Figueres, as quoted by BBC . “We should be able to lay the foundations for a strong agreement in Paris and raise the level of our ambitions so that gradually over the long term we are able to achieve climate neutrality, this is the only way to truly achieve sustainable development for all.”

Scientists from across the globe have expressed growing concerns that the world’s wealthiest nations seem to be a long way reducing emissions at a level that would effectively combat global warming. Although the process was significantly boosted by the recent carbon-cutting agreement that the United States and China reached, it’s still not enough.

“There is growing evidence, that even with very ambitious mitigation action, warming close to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by mid-century is already locked-in to the Earth’s atmospheric system and climate change impacts such as extreme heat events may now be unavoidable,” stated a report from World Bank in November.

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