Friday, October 31, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
ISS-bound resupply rocket explodes mid-launch
The skies above the Eastern Shore of Virginia were filled with a massive fireball on Tuesday after an unmanned commercial rocket, which was supposed to bring fresh supplies to the people aboard the International Space Station, exploded just a few short seconds after it began it’s ascension.
According to The New York Times, the Antares rocket, developed by Orbital Sciences on a contract from NASA, was carrying over 5,000 pounds of fresh supplies, science experiments, and equipment when it lifted off from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in eastern Virginia, bound for the International Space Station.
Shortly after leaving the ground, however, the rocket burst into flames before exploding into countless pieces and falling back to the ground. Frank L. Culbertson Jr., the executive vice president of Virginia-based Orbital Sciences, said that “The ascent stopped. There was some disassembly of the first stage, it looked like, and then it fell to earth.”
“It is far too early to know the details of what happened,” Culbertson said in a statement, as quoted by NBC News, adding that the rocket and cargo alone were valued at around $200 million. “As we begin to gather information, our primary concern lies with the ongoing safety and security of those involved in our response and recovery operations.”
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Ambulance drones could save heart attack victims
Alec Momont, a graduate student at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, has created a prototype drone that will be able to autonomously navigate a location in just a few short minutes and deliver a defibrillator to people in need, according to PCWorld. The drone could prove life-saving in the event that someone collapses from cardiac arrest and there’s no defibrillator around to help reestablish normal heart rhythm.
“It is essential that the right medical care is provided within the first few minutes of a cardiac arrest,” Momont said, as quoted by CNET. ‘If we can get to an emergency scene faster, we can save many lives and facilitate the recovery of many patients. This especially applies to emergencies such as heart failure, drownings, traumas and respiratory problems, and it has become possible because life-saving technologies, such as a defibrillator, can now be designed small enough to be transported by a drone.”
“Some 800,000 people suffer a cardiac arrest in the EU every year, and only 8% survive,” Momont said, as quoted by Business Standard. “The main reason for this is the relatively long response time of the emergency services, while brain death and fatalities occur within 4 to 6 minutes. The costs should not be an issue; I have calculated these at approximately 15,000 euros per drone, which is clearly a reasonable amount if you consider the number of lives that could be saved.”
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Steampunk Motorcycle

This single strand of fiber can handle the entire world’s internet traffic
Researchers from the United States and the Netherlands have managed to transmit data across a kilometer-long, single strand of fiber cable at a whopping 255Tb/s, which is about 2,500 times faster than any commercial fiber. According to ExtremeTech, that’s close to 32TB per second, enough to transfer a 1GB movie in 0.03 milliseconds.
The researchers were able to achieve this using a so-called multi-core cable with 7 separate channels, although the hardware alone didn’t account for the insane speed. They also squeezed 50 carriers down the 7 cores, cranking each up to 5.1Tb/s using something that’s known as “spatial multiplexing.”
While none of that technology is new by itself, using them together is how the team was able to achieve a speed that’s so high, that the single strand of fiber that they used would be enough to handle the entire world’s peak internet traffic. Although you shouldn’t expect this technology to be implemented any time soon, as there’s no way to mass produce the cables. Still impressive.
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Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Lunch. 5 shot espresso. Some green organic blended veggie contraption. #Diet. I'm lovin' it.

Sunday, October 26, 2014
Birthday Steak. Because in our house, cakes are for kids, you silly rabbit.

Saturday, October 25, 2014
Clinton: “Don’t let anybody tell you it’s corporations and business that create jobs.”
Her jokes are getting funnier and her math is getting fuzzier. That seems to be the path that Hillary Clinton is traveling as she prepares for her 2016 presidential campaign with her latest sound bite from the pre-campaign trail.
“Don’t let anybody tell you it’s corporations and business that create jobs.” she said to a friendly audience supporting Martha Coakley’s gubernatorial campaign.
She then went on to attack the concept of trickle down economics. When neither statements drew applause of agreement, she resorted to a joke about her husband bringing arithmetic to Washington DC, which drew the intended laughs and changed the subject quickly.
There is no clear course for her campaign at this point. As the far left looks for someone more liberal and the right still attaches Benghazi and other failures to her name, she seems to be positioning herself to achieve something her husband had mastered before and during his terms. She’s trying to be likable.
Here’s the video:
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via Conservative Haven http://ift.tt/1snrMRq
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Whole family is sick. Dinner and home duties are on me, now. #GameFace. It's go time. Let's do this. #EyeOfTheTigger... hoo hoo hoo!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Homemade organic caramel popcorn. The diet goes on hold. #BestWifeEver

Monday, October 20, 2014
Everyone else seems to like legs, breasts, or wings. I'm a thigh guy on the grill. #mesquite

Saw something like this at DFW last year. Now I learn that this was spotted at Denver Airport. It's a sticker. #Cruel

Sunday, October 19, 2014
Christians Must Hold Their Faith Above the Ordinances of Men
The signs have been clear for a while that Christians in America are losing their rights to hold true to their faith. We will be faced with incredibly tough choices in the coming days. These are issues upon which we cannot bend.
A recent case-in-point is the story of Donald and Evelyn Knapp of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. The two ordained ministers run the Hitching Post Lakeside Chapel where they perform marriages. Their choice to stand by their faith and not perform gay marriages that are now legal in the state has prompted city officials to threaten the couple with jail time and fines if they do not comply with its “non-discrimination” ordinance.
From a purely legal standpoint, the fact that the Knapps charge a fee for their marriage service could possibly allow the city to make such charges. The Alliance Defending Freedom has filed a lawsuit and a motion for a temporary restraining order to prevent the charges against the couple, themselves married for 47 years.
This is a pivotal situation. If the city is successful, it will act as an example, setting a precedent that people who mix faith and business will not be under the same promises that have been made to religious non-profit organizations. Faith-based businesses are abundant in our country and people will be forced to make a choice – abandon their faith or abandon their business.
As an organization, we do not fight against gay rights unless they start to trample on Christian rights. Those who operate faith-based businesses should not be forced to chose.
Discrimination Goes Both Ways
If the law states that same-sex marriages are legal, then Christians should obey the law of the land and not discriminate against gay marriages. However, the laws allowing gay marriage cannot supersede religious freedoms. When an ordinance forces one to unreasonably suppress their religious beliefs in order to comply, it becomes oppressive.
Laws and ordinances are meant to protect and enable. They cannot enable and protect one right while subverting another. The Knapps have chosen to perform Christian marriages. Forcing them to perform marriages that go against their Christian faith is a discrimination of its own sort.
As the LGBT movement pushes to establish legal rights, it’s in their best interests to do so in a way that does not trample on other rights. The case in Coeur d’Alene is an example where a conscientious LGBT movement should step in and clearly state that their right to marry does not take away the religious rights of those who do not believe in performing gay marriages. This won’t happen, of course, but it would go a long way towards bridging the growing gap in America between the two sides.
Preparing for the Inevitable
As Christians, our fight is for the faith itself. The political lines being drawn are ugly and we can either fight to keep our “cozy Christian lifestyles” intact or we can prepare for a world where Christianity is no longer acceptable to the masses. It sounds crazy to think that this country would ever go against the faith that helped to build it, but that’s exactly what is happening.
The choices are getting harder. The Knapps are in a situation where they may be forced to choose to stop performing marriages altogether. If they are unsuccessful in their fight, they will need to choose to abstain from marrying anyone. Is it fair? No. Is it better to lose their business and their lifestyle as a result of their choice to stay true to their faith? Absolutely.
There may come a time in the near future where many of us are faced with harder choices. We may be in situations where we have to choose between our faith and our lives. These little battles like the one in Houston and the one in Coeur d’Alene may rile up our feathers and make us want to put on our boxing gloves, but they will be insignificant compared to the battles we may face in the near future. It’s already very apparent in many countries around the world that being a Christian is a risk to one’s life. Those days may come to America as well.
This is not a call for surrender. We will fight to the end. It is simply a call to prepare. There are those who will reluctantly bend their faith in order to maintain their livelihood. There are those who will stay silent on the question of Jesus Christ and God if the question is asked in an unfriendly environment. If people are unwilling to abandon their business for the sake of their faith, how can they expect that they will abandon their lives for the same reason?
People in situations like the Knapps must be willing to walk away from it if their battle is lost. Adjusting their faith is not an option. There’s a very big difference between accepting people’s rights as dictated by the government and breaking their Christian beliefs for the sake of tolerance.
If someone is unwilling to lose their livelihood for the sake of their faith, will they be willing to be beheaded if faced with a similar choice? We all must prepare now to stand for Savior regardless of the situation.
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via Judeo Christian Church http://ift.tt/1t2uGBo
Saturday, October 18, 2014
It’s Not About Religious Rights. It’s About Faithful Fortitude.
The story of the “Houston Five” has become a hot topic on both sides of the aisle when it comes to the rights of gay and transgendered community as well as the rights of church leaders to preach as they are compelled without persecution from the government. The issue at hand for Christians is not about civil rights, nor is it even about freedom of speech. The real issue here is about the willingness to stand for the Word of God without being swayed by the powers of the world.
Fox News recently interviewed one of the pastors who had their sermons subpoenaed. The attention being given to the subpoenas is overblown and misguided. This is a standard legal practice that is not out of the ordinary. It isn’t an attempt to attack religious freedoms (there are plenty of stronger examples of that happening all the time). It is an attempt to flex a little political muscle against those supporting the lawsuit, but it doesn’t go so far as something that could be called “bullying” in legal circles.
From a political and legal perspective, the outburst from conservatives and Christians against the subpoenas is ill spent. Rather than focus on them, the focus needs to turn to meat of the lawsuit itself that opposes the city’s refusal to certify the petition to bring the issue to a vote. For over 2/3rds of the signatures in the petition to be disqualified, one of two things (or both) had to happen:
- The city is reaching with every loophole in its arsenal to disqualify signatures.
- Many of those gathering the signatures broke the rules and either misled people into signing or forged the signatures.
There is no doubt that the first is happening. According to Chron, hey were able to drop the majority of the signatures “after most of the pages contained mistakes that invalidated the entire page of signatures.”
One can also assume that the second happened as well. When people are passionate about an issue, our evil ways often compel us to act outside of the bounds of ethics based upon a “moral license” to achieve the goal no matter what it takes. However, the chances of 2/3rds of the signatures on this sort of issue being manipulated or truly invalid is highly unlikely.
Take a Stand from the Top
Christians should not be protesting against the subpoenas. They are a distraction from the true political issue which is putting the ordinance to the vote of the people, but even that is not the real concern that we face.
We have become too easily distracted. Gay, atheist, Mormon, liberal, Muslim, communist, Catholic, republican – these labels that are placed on people based upon their beliefs and upbringing. As Christians, it is our responsibility to share the Gospel and to give others the opportunity to be saved. When politics becomes the focal point our righteous vigor, it is often wasted on semantics rather than the transmission of the message itself.
We do not condone a gay lifestyle, but we do not oppose those who live it. Only a sinless person has the right to condemn others for their sins, and there has only been One who lived a sinless life.
When the conservative Christian political mechanism brings focus on issues such as the subpoenas, they are distracting us away from the core challenges we face. It becomes an exercise in futility regardless of which side wins and which side loses. That’s bad enough, but there is a far worse result from such things.
Preparing to Stand without Earthly Support
The biggest risk in this and other issues is that it’s so easy to profess our faith behind the protections of the laws of the land. Those laws are headed in the wrong direction and the country is following.
One of the biggest questions I have to ask myself on a regular basis is whether or not it’s valid to engage in the fight to keep America as a Christian nation. Sometimes, it seems futile. The country has been heading down a dark path since its inception. Thankfully, many have fought to maintain the freedoms we enjoy, but those freedoms are slipping away. Is today’s version of “the good fight” one that defends our freedoms?
On the surface, the answer is a resounding yes, but there’s a caveat. What if it’s time to prepare people for a post-Christian America? As crazy as it sounds, there are indications everywhere that we are going to lose the fight, that America will fall into the same trap that so much of the world is falling into where atheists and Muslims are calling the shots and our freedom to spread the Gospel is taken away. Those of us who feel blessed to be Americans would never want to see that happen, but if it’s inevitable, should we be preparing to take our fight underground?
These are concepts that the majority of Americans would not be willing to accept today, but things are changing so rapidly. As a country, we have grown fat with luxuries and complacent with our ease of life. We are ripe for disaster. Is now the time to prepare for a world without the freedoms that we enjoy today? Is it better to fall away from the political battles in preparation for a different world?
Every day, people are falling for the pre-tribulation doctrine. That is the biggest concern, but we are also ill-prepared for life without religious protections. When churches are attacked by far more dangerous means than protests and subpoenas, will believers be ready to live our lives from a completely different perspective, to live under a different set of rules?
Again, I struggle with these questions constantly. Today, I believe we must fight for America and Israel and we must prepare for a world where it’s dangerous to be a professing Christian. That world is already very present in other countries and it’s very likely going to come here at some point in the near future. I urge you to be prepared to fight without freedoms, to live in a world where being a Christian is unacceptable. Today, we have our freedoms and we must continue to fight for them, but don’t let those freedoms make you complacent. We have the full Armor of God at our disposal. It is the only thing that will protect our souls in the days to come.
The post It’s Not About Religious Rights. It’s About Faithful Fortitude. appeared first on Judeo Christian Church.
via Judeo Christian Church http://ift.tt/107SYhw
Friday, October 17, 2014
Kentucky Style Teriyaki. Yes, it's #Kentuckyaki. Totally trying this, if only for the name.

Al Gore believes the internet is the key to fighting global warming
Former Vice President Al Gore has made it clear how worried he is about the ramifications of hammering the environment, which he believes stems from corporate influences on politicians and governments across the globe. However, at Salesforce’s annual Dreamforce conference on Thursday, he praised a handful of major technology companies.
“Everyone knows the way we got out of the Great Depression was mobilizing for World War II,” said Gore. “Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a huge project where we needed to mobilize people around the world for jobs that couldn’t be automated?”
Al Gore hinted that we already have such a project. Over the course of his hour-long talk, Gore listed numerous distressing statistics about the natural disasters that have plagued the globe in recent years, from China to Colorado to Guatemala. He followed this up with some depressing predictions concerning ongoing droughts and the increasingly low inter temperatures.
“We’ve got to take responsibility for consequences of our actions endangering the earth,” Gore retorted. “We need to recognize the age of renewables is beginning,” insisted Gore. He emphasized the business opportunities by renewable energy development and technology, asserting that “the private sector is going to finance most of renewable energy.”
It was then that Gore praised Apple, Google, and Salesforce for their respective energy goals, and also highlighted American business magnate and billionaire Warren Buffett as a prime example of an entrepreneur investing heavily in the renewable energy space, saying that he’s “not someone known for making dumb decisions.”
Continuing from this, Gore expressed his belief that the internet will play a major role in this shift, projecting that the internet will be more powerful and influential than even television, citing that advertising revenue from the internet surpassed that of television last year.
Read more about the story at Venture Beat.
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via WeHeartWorld http://ift.tt/1wduzAI
Earth’s magnetic field could completely reverse within a single lifetime
Earth’s magnetic field is constantly shifting around, and every 200,000 to 300,000 years, it flips north and south completely. Currently, we’re long overdue for a reversal, and scientists suggest that it could very well happen within the next century, potentially altering life in ways that aren’t possible to predict.
For the longest time, the scientific community believed that these reversals took as many as 7,000 years to completely switch, according to a 2004 study funded by the National Science Foundation. Over the last few years, however, many scientists have suggested that the shifts in the magnetic field have occurred at previously unimagined speeds.
A new study which was published in the Geophysical Journal International by a team of scientists from Europe and the United States sheds light on these quick changes, suggesting that the last reversal took a mere 100 years. But how was the team able to discern changes in the magnetic field that occurred hundreds of thousands of years ago?
Apparently, the team was able to do this by testing layers of ash that were deposited by volcanic eruptions that occurred over the course of 10,000 years, found in a small lakebed near Rome. A new release from University of California, Berkeley says that the magnetic field directions are “frozen” into these layers of ash, which could be reliably dated to discover when the magnetic reversals occurred, and how long it took for them to complete.
“It’s amazing how rapidly we see that reversal. The paleomagnetic data are very well done. This is one of the best records we have so far of what happens during a reversal and how quickly these reversals can happen,” said co-author Courtney Sprain of the University of California and Berkeley Geochronology Center.
Read more about the story at Berkeley.
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Thursday, October 16, 2014
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Joint venture to invest £500 million into British onshore wind power
The onshore wind power industry in the United Kingdom has received a significant boost after Ecotricity, the leading green energy company in the nations, announced Skylark, a joint venture with Skanska, a global construction and development firm, in order to build multiple wind farm projects in the United Kingdom.
Skylark aims to utilize Ecotricity’s expertise in developing green energy projects and Skanska’s expertise in construction and engineering in order to put 350MW of new green energy projects into the planning system within the first 5 years, which represents a potential investment of around £500 million ($800 million), should the projects be consented, and would supply green electricity to more than 200,000 British households.
There are already 3 development sites that have been identified for the joint venture’s first round of investment, representing around 100MW of generating capacity, which are expected to bring more clean energy to the United Kingdom as early as 2018. Skylark will also create numerous jobs as people fill scientific, technical, construction, and maintenance roles.
Ecotricity founder Dale Vince said: “Ecotricity were the world’s first green electricity company, while Skanska aims to be the greenest construction company in the world – our shared pursuit of sustainability and our complementary skill sets creates a strong partnership. Ecotricity will use its expertise in green energy development to design wind parks and gain planning consents, while Skanska will use their expertise in construction to build them. It’s a simple partnership that will help to bring energy independence to Britain using green energy made in Britain.”
Read more about the story at Bloomberg.
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via WeHeartWorld http://ift.tt/1r8b3kS
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
The real institution of higher education in the modern world (for better or for worse)

Doctors can now conduct fecal transplants orally. Hooray?
Clostridium difficile colitis, a type of infectious diarrhea, is so painful and unbearable that people who are infected often need to go to hospital in order treat it. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that somewhere around 14,000 Americans die of causes linked to the infection every year.
Standard treatment involves antibiotics, but there are various strains of the virus that are now resistant to such antibiotic treatments. In cases such as these, a new treatment known as fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has become popular in recent years. The treatment, however, is rather unpleasant.
Current FMTs require health workers to stick a tube into your nose or rectum so that a doctor can pump in liquid fecal matter. Unpleasant is an understatement, but a team of doctors at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, led by Elizabeth Hohmann in the Infectious Diseases Division, have made a pill version of the FMT treatment. Essentially, it’s a poop ill.
Doctors gather a donor’s fecal matter and combine it with saline “using a commercial blender,” wrote the researchers in their study. Once the fecal matter is properly processed, it’s put into a capsule and given to the patients. Initial studies shows that 90% of the patients who received the pill were cured, making it just as effective of previous methods.
“These results may help make FMT accessible to a wider population of patients, in addition to potentially making the procedure safer,” the authors of the study wrote in a statement. They published their results in the Journal of the American Medical Association on Saturday.
“The use of capsules obviates the need for invasive procedures for administration, further increasing the safety of FMT by avoiding procedure-associated complications and significantly reducing cost,” the doctors added.
Read more about the story at The Washington Post.
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Monday, October 13, 2014
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Matthew 5:16 – Let your light so shine
Matthew 5:16 (KJV)
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
For many, chapter 5 of the Book of Matthew is the most profound and influential in the entire Bible. It bestows blessings on those who are persecuted. It promises rewards to those who persevere in the name of the Lord.
Matthew 5:16 is especially brilliant in that it tells the disciples that they are not to be hidden. They are to be bright and noticeable in ways that reflect the light of the Father through them. It’s a command by our Savior to express the glory of God to the world. The message is one of the most important for believers, particularly in a world that seems so lukewarm in its faith.
The post Matthew 5:16 – Let your light so shine appeared first on Judeo Christian Church.
via Judeo Christian Church http://ift.tt/1D52TSB
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Spreading the Word Boldly through Your ‘Channels’
Today, everyone has a pulpit. Unfortunately, the majority of those using it aren’t doing so for the glory of God or for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You can.
Technology has opened the doors to much evil in the world. The internet is loaded with negative components ranging from distractions that keep us focused on the world to downright evils that make us victims to the flesh. However, it is simply a tool. You can use this tool to promote the message of salvation and to let those within your sphere of influence know that you believe in the one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and that you know His Son was sent to die on the cross to wash us from our sins in His Blood.
Today, people are so “politically correct” that the term itself no longer holds any real meaning. Everything must be politically correct by the standards of western society and when something goes outside of those bounds, the offender is persecuted to one degree or another. Christian voices are being shunned, ridiculed, and stifled. Many of those doing it do not even realize they are. The majority of those witnessing it consider it to be a positive thing. Persecution by inclusion is growing – it’s a concept that we will touch on in the future.
As believers, we have both the opportunity and responsibility to boldly proclaim who we are and why we believe what we believe. Today, the voices of non-believers are much stronger online than the voices of the believers. Atheists and Muslims in particular have excelled at using the internet to spread their doctrines. Despite the number of proclaimed Christians, we are often the quietest about our beliefs.
This must change.
Know the Message YOU were Meant to Share
Every now and then, I debate with my wife about the type of message to deliver and the method of delivery. She is very pure in her desire to stay focused on identifying sound doctrine and sharing it appropriately. It means that she shares less but is more certain that what she’s sharing is correct. I’m more aggressive in that I will tackle topics that are not necessarily as black and white. It has made for a wonderful relationship as we grow in our faith as a couple and as individuals.
Different messages resonate with different people. I don’t want to tell anyone which message or portion of a message they were meant to embrace and share. I only ask that you pray and research the Bible diligently. It is so important that we listen to the Holy Spirit in all things; the doctrines of many of the religious leaders in our day are often tainted with messages of the flesh designed to fill their churches and pocket books rather than spreading the true message of the Lord.
When a message resonates in your heart, there’s a good chance that it’s one that you were meant to share. This isn’t universal as there are messages meant specifically for us to hear, but there are others that touch you. When a message is powerful enough to move you, it’s a message that you will likely be able to share with more clarity and passion.
Share it How You were Meant to Share It
One could easily debate me on this particular point. I believe that we are given ways to share the message of the Gospel and that we should embrace these avenues as part of our responsibility. The arguments against this stance include:
- How we hear the message is personal and we are not obligated to share it.
- We are only responsible for our own beliefs and God will work to reach others.
- Some people were meant to spread the Word. Others were meant to hear it.
- Our lives in this world have very little to do with our personal faith.
There is validity in all of these arguments. There is also plenty of scriptural evidence that we are to go forth and spread the Word, to share the Gospel, and to point people in a direction that allows them to open up to the truth.
If you choose to spread the Word, then be sure that you’re doing so in the way that best fits what God has given you. Some are gifted in speaking one on one to individuals. Some do well speaking in front of a crowd. Some write about it. Others research and share their findings on social media. There are even people who can do some or all of these things. You were given a voice in one way or another. Utilize it to do more than gossip about what’s happening in Hollywood or gripe about what’s happening in Washington DC.
Be Bold
For me, social media has been one of the ways that I share my faith. It’s why I publish articles about Christian social media and it’s why I try to use this venue to reach those who would listen.
Western society has made it taboo to discuss religion. I can write for hours about the lukewarm nature of many believers today, but I’ll sum it up with this Tweet:
Don't fear the judgment of people over your faith. Fear the judgment that comes by not having it.
— JD Rucker (@0boy) April 27, 2014
The post Spreading the Word Boldly through Your ‘Channels’ appeared first on Judeo Christian Church.
via Judeo Christian Church http://ift.tt/1vTRHVR
Friday, October 10, 2014
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Pollution in Hawai’i is causing deadly tumors in endangered sea turtles
Sea turtles in Hawai’i have been found to be afflicted with chronic, and often times lethal tumors that are caused by consuming non-native algae along the island state’s coastlines where nutrient pollution is unchecked. The disease that causes these tumors is now considered the leading cause of death for the endangered green sea turtle.
By grazing on blooms of invasive seaweeds, turtles end up with a diet that’s jam packed with particular amino acid, known as arginine, which promotes the virus which creates the tumors. Scientists at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have estimated that turtles grazing at these high-nutrient sites are increasing their arginine intake by 17 to 26 grams daily, nearly 14 times the previous level.
“For years, local ocean lovers have known that our green turtles have had awful tumors on their heads, eyes and front flippers,” said UH Mānoa Marine Biology Professor Celia Smith, who worked with Kyle S. Van Houton of NOAA’s Turtle Research Program on this study. “Many hypotheses were offered to explain the tumors, but we kept coming back to the observation that urban reefs – those near dense populations – are the sites with greater numbers of sick turtles. We had no mechanism for this disease.”
More than 60% of the turtles in the Kāne’ohe Bay have been found to bear tumors as a result of this disease. Kihei has been called a “ground zero” for fibropapillomatosis, the disease that is caused by a herpes virus and manifests as tumors in turtles, but appears to not affect humans.
Van Houtan and his colleagues have previously described an epidemiological link between tumors and coastal eutrophication, which is the enrichment of coastal waters with nutrients from land-based sources of pollution such as wastewater or agricultural fertilizers. However, this new study actually analyzed the tissues from the afflicted turtles and the amounts of arginine in the dominant algae forage species from across Hawai’i.
What the analysis found was that there are incredibly high levels of arginine in tissues of invasive seaweeds harvested under nutrient-rich conditions, such as those affected by nitrogen from land-based pollution. These are the same conditions that promote algal blooms. The non-native algae “superweeds” grow so quickly when fertilized that some can double their weight in a period of two days.
Read more about the story at Smithsonian.
The post Pollution in Hawai’i is causing deadly tumors in endangered sea turtles appeared first on WeHeartWorld.
via WeHeartWorld http://ift.tt/1BSOAhG
Slow, Steady, and Ecologically-Friendly Lawn Mower

Most “natural” foods in the US contain substantial amounts of GMOs
According to a recent study by Consumer Reports, the majority of the packaged food in the United States that’s labeled as “natural” actually contains substantial amounts of genetically modified ingredients, prompting many concerned consumers to call upon food manufacturers to be honest about the contents of their products.
Urvashi Rangan, executive director of Consumer Reports Food Safety and Sustainability, say that American consumers are being misled by the reassuring “natural” label, with almost two thirds of Americans who were surveyed saying that they were under the impression that foods with the “natural” label didn’t contain any GMOs.
Consumer Reports conducted a survey of more than 80 different processed foods in the United States that contained either corn or soy, the two most widely grown genetically modified crops in America, to determine whether or not the claims for GMO presence were accurate.
While food that were labeled as “non-GMO” or “organic” were found to be free of genetically modified corn and soy, the vast majority of the foods that were either labeled as “natural” or not labeled at all were found to contain substantial amounts of GMOs, including breakfast cereals, snack chips, and even baby formula.
There are numerous genetically modified crops on the markets which have been altered from their natural state in order to repel insects or resist diseases. The companies that develop these crops claim that they’re safe, and there are many scientific studies that back these claims.
However, many critics point to other studies which link environmental damage and health problems in both humans and animals to the use of genetically modified crops. An international coalition of scientists said last October that there is a disturbing lack of consensus in the scientific community about the safety of GMOs.
Vermont has found a happy middle ground by requiring foods which contain GMO ingredients to be labeled as such, but not banning or limiting their use. Numerous other states are considering taking this approach as well, with Colorado and Oregon already having this issue on the ballot for the November election.
Read more about the story at The Huffington Post.
The post Most “natural” foods in the US contain substantial amounts of GMOs appeared first on WeHeartWorld.
via WeHeartWorld http://ift.tt/1vNNGRD
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Tide detergent will begin using eco-friendly bio-ethanol in its formula
DuPont and Procter & Gamble, world leaders in the production of chemicals and consumer goods respectively, have announced a new collaboration to use cellulosic ethanol in Tide laundry detergent sold in North America. Tide Cold Water will become the first brand in the world to blend cellulosic ethanol in a way that’s both scalable and commercial.
Ethanol is an essential ingredient in the formulation of Tide, making the detergent formula more stable and improving washing performance. This is the latest innovation that has come from the 30-year partnership between the two companies, making much easier for consumers to make sustainable choices in their everyday lives.
“As one of the world’s largest laundry manufacturers, we have a responsibility to lead renewable sourcing in products,” said Gianni Ciserani, Procter & Gamble Group’s president of global fabric and home care. “We do this by ensuring consumers still get the great Tide laundry performance they want, while further reducing the impact on the environment.”
This renewable, cellulosic ethanol will be produced at DuPont’s new bio-refinery, which is currently under construction in Iowa. One completed, it will be the largest bio-ethanol refinery in the world, pumping out more than 30 million gallons of cellulosic ethanol annually, a process with zero net carbon emissions.
“It was a natural decision for us to take this next step forward with Procter & Gamble in an area which is so critical for each of our companies – sustainable technologies for processes and products,” said James Collins, Senior Vice President, DuPont. “With this collaboration, DuPont is also taking the first step to diversify its markets for cellulosic ethanol beyond fuels. As we build on our integrated science capabilities, we will continue to seek out new opportunities and new collaborations to transform value chains with more sustainable solutions.”
Read more about the story at Domestic Fuel.
The post Tide detergent will begin using eco-friendly bio-ethanol in its formula appeared first on WeHeartWorld.
via WeHeartWorld http://weheartworld.com/tide-detergent-will-begin-using-eco-friendly-bio-ethanol-formula/
Ephesians 6:11 – Armor of God
Ephesians 6:11
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
This is one of the most profound short verses in the entire New Testament. Preceding it are specific instructions to the people. Immediately following it is one of our favorite verses, a verse that drives our entire ministry: Ephesians 6:12.
We are not properly equipped to handle the evils of this world, at least not with our own works or skills. We need the supernatural Armor of God in order to have any chance of making it through this world into the next. The verses that follow could be the most important series of verses throughout the whole Bible because it tells us what we are unable to do alone but then gives us instructions on how to overcome the forces of evil.
The post Ephesians 6:11 – Armor of God appeared first on Judeo Christian Church.
via Judeo Christian Church http://ift.tt/1pM9nha
Oceans are warming much faster than previously calculated
Scientists have long been aware that Earth’s oceans absorb an estimated 90% of the warming that’s caused by greenhouse gas emissions, with the stored heat showing up was warmer seawater. According to a new analysis, however, scientists may have greatly underestimated exactly how hot the upper ocean is getting.
Comparisons of direct measurements from the seas in the southern hemisphere with satellite data and climate models suggests that these seas have been absorbing more than twice the amount of heat that was previously calculated. This means that we may be underestimating the extent to which the Earth is warming.
“The Argo data is really critical,” said Paul Durack, a Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory researcher who led the new study, which was published in Climate Nature Change. “The estimates that we had up until now have been pretty systematically underestimating the likely changes.”
“We continue to be stunned at how rapidly the ocean is warming,” said Sarah Gille, a Scripps Institution of Oceanography professor. “Even if we stopped all greenhouse gas emissions today, we’d still have an ocean that is warmer than the ocean of 1950, and that heat commits us to a warmer climate. Extra heat means extra sea level rise, since warmer water is less dense, so a warmer ocean expands.”
Read more about the story at Climate Central.
The post Oceans are warming much faster than previously calculated appeared first on WeHeartWorld.
via WeHeartWorld http://ift.tt/1qa2p4G
Monday, October 6, 2014
Is the Vision of a Roman-Style Armor Erroneous as a Way to See the Armor of God?
You can practically hear the trumpets of war blaring in your mind when you read Ephesians 6:10-18, but is the vision of our promised protection built on false assumptions?
The concept itself is sound and there is nothing that can take away the words or the implications of the Letter to the Ephesians. We are powerless to battle the forces against us in the world without the full Armor of God protecting us from the powers that would destroy our souls otherwise. That is not in question.
An interesting point that Mark Biltz made in a discussion a couple of years ago points to the idea that what we picture as a visualization of the Armor of God might not be the case. When you cross-reference Ephesians, Revelation, and other books of the Bible, it appears that Biltz may be right. It doesn’t matter much; the metaphor itself stands regardless of how you picture the actual armor, but it’s interesting to consider what Biltz is saying.
Here’s the video:
The post Is the Vision of a Roman-Style Armor Erroneous as a Way to See the Armor of God? appeared first on Judeo Christian Church.
via Judeo Christian Church http://ift.tt/1s3quzz
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Reddit’s Self-Promotion Conundrum
Here’s where we get a little snobbish. Reddit has never been a good place to promote your own interests unless you’re a celebrity. That’s all there is to it.
This stems from a heartfelt plea from James Andrews. He made some incredible points. He deserves to be able to promote his new website, especially considering that it’s promoting indie bands, they get most of the money, and charities get money from the endeavor as well. Others with similar sites have been allowed to self-promote. Why can’t James?
The reality is this – for every “James” on Reddit, there are 100 others who would take self-promotion to the extreme. There have been so many times when people get busted either getting paid to promote or promoting their own websites. Even today, there are plenty of marketers doing it on Reddit. As much as we hate to throw the baby out with the bathwater, allowing people like James to be the exception would open up a can of worms.
With that said, we can promote whatever we want on our own website and his website is worth promoting. Check out The Goodpack.
Here’s his video.
via Soshable | Social Media Blog http://ift.tt/1uOVfuv
Why Christians Must Pray for Muslims Worldwide
On this site, we often speak out about the atrocities perpetrated by people within organizations such as ISIS and al Qaeda. It’s important to understand that we’re against the acts, beliefs, and practices of these groups of Muslims and not the Muslim faith itself.
There is a kinship between Christians, Jews, and Muslims despite centuries of fighting between the groups. The roots of all three faiths go back to Abraham. From there, the stories begin to go in different directions, but the root is there. As believers in Yeshua as our Lord and Savior, it is our duty to help spread His Gospel to all of the world, including Muslims.
Our only protection is the Armor of God. Our only weapon is the Word of God. Many of us pray daily for blessings, protections, justice, and other things, but the majority only pray for those within our own faith. It’s important to also pray for and help those who are misguided to believe in the lies of Islam whether they are extremists or terrorists across the world or our neighbors and coworkers.
The power that comes from causing others to fear is the most powerful weapon that the forces of evil have. In the Middle East as well as the Muslim-heavy lands in Asia, Africa, and Europe, there are millions of Muslims who hold their faith because of fear. In many cases, if they do not profess to be Muslim, they will be punished tremendously. Some are even killed. We cannot sit back in our cozy little houses and pray over a nice dinner while condemning those of the Muslim faith.
ISIS is our enemy. The Iranian government is our enemy. The people in Syria, Iraq, and Iran are not generally our enemies. They are the ones that need to hear the Gospel just as much as any other human on the planet. If anything, they need to hear it more.
As you pray tonight, try to include a prayer for those who would face persecution for having a Bible in their presence, let alone to worship our Lord. Most of us are not going through the same turmoils in our lives that are equal to those faced in other places around the world.
The post Why Christians Must Pray for Muslims Worldwide appeared first on Judeo Christian Church.
via Judeo Christian Church http://ift.tt/1vHRRAt
Why Social Media Won’t Die Any Time Soon
I remember the first “social media is dying” post that I read. It was early 2008 and MySpace was already showing signs of starting to implode upon itself. The article I read (wish I would have saved it) gave a very compelling argument about how social media was a fad and that privacy would eventually prevail once the glow of the “look at me” mentality that drives social media wears off.
It never did. It never will.
There’s no going back. Social media is the ultimate legal voyeurism into the lives of those we care about, whether we like them or not. We can see what our old high school friends are doing now. We can monitor the activities of our friends, family, coworkers, and anyone else of interest. We can keep track of the news as it’s unfolding, not told by a news anchor but told by the reactions of people we may or may not know.
Most importantly, it gives a permanence to our escapades that the majority of humans like. We want to show everyone the cake we made for our kids. We want to let everyone know that we’re at the big concert and they’re not. We want to show off our dog (because everyone has the most awesome dog in the world).
I used to be one who believed that social media would eventually be replaced. It will change, but the concept has grown on us and will stay in one form or another throughout our lives until a major event changes everything. That major event would need to be extremely major – a cataclysmic infrastructure meltdown that takes out the grid, a meteor, the end times, etc.
Even as technology evolves to the point of near sentience, we’re still going to be social online (or through whatever eventually replaces the internet). The cat is out of the bag. The genie is out of the bottle. Pandora’s box has been broken down and tossed in the cardboard recycling bin.
For people, this is a good and bad thing. It’s good that we can communicate with more people. It’s bad that we’re no longer communicating as much or as meaningfully with the people who are close by.
For businesses, it’s a rockier road. There are too many factors that could take out the business benefits of social media long before the actual medium itself ever dies. This isn’t a warning to tell people that they shouldn’t be investing in social media for their business. It’s a statement of complete transparency; we’re one major hack, sustained outage, or obtuse piece of legislature away from Facebook crumbling to business-relevant dust.
It won’t be dying in the foreseeable future, but even something as sustainable as social media will eventually end.
via Soshable | Social Media Blog http://ift.tt/Z6DqJi