Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Right and Wrong Way to Build Your Klout Score

See on Scoop.itDealers

There are plenty of articles that discuss Klout tips out there. Thanks to recent changes in the way that Klout scores and operates, I get the opportunity to write one of my own!

From Soshable:

It’s the only thing I understand about internet marketing that has absolutely nothing with driving traffic, generating leads, or making sales, yet a day hasn’t gone by in a long time during which I am not asked about how to do better on Klout.

If it is to be, then so be it. Let’s talk Klout…

See on

via WordPress

Saturday, September 8, 2012

One More Reason to Condemn YOLO

Don't embrace "YOLO". Don't let your friends, kids, students, siblings, or anyone you know embrace YOLO. There are definitely religious reasons to oppose it, but the fact that it represents encouragement of idiotic actions should be enough to make you want your loved ones to avoid it.

Five men are dead in a car accident that happened moments after the driver Tweeted "yolo".

Is that the reason? Is this the example that should shock kids (and adults) into condemning the concept? No. Common sense is the real reason. What happened to Ink2flashyy and his friends is just a tragic tale to drive the point home.

As I posted on Soshable:

I’m angry about this. I feel sorrow for the families of the victims. I have fear for my own children, not because they embrace YOLO (one of them said she preaches “OLOY” to her friends – “Only Losers Obey YOLO”), but because the poor choices that people are making as a result can harm the innocents who are not being stupid but are caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Monday, August 27, 2012

It's the Last Week of the Dealers United Deal. Are You In?

In case you missed it, this is the last week of the Dealers United website deal for August. Included in it are options for discounted SEO services, plus a month-to-month website offering using the amazing KPA Connect platform.

Car dealers would be wise to take a look at the deal and move forward with taking the next step in improving their digital marketing. Deals like this are rare.

As I posted in Soshable:

This deal is exceptional in many ways. As car dealers become accustomed to challenges they face with their website vendors, having one with a proven track-record and measurable search engine success is at the top of mind for the most web-savvy and aggressive dealerships. In the end, it comes down to 3 things:

Read more.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Neil Armstrong Didn't Like Exercise

I don't want to make it seem as if I'm trampling on the memory of this great man, but it should be noted from a quote he once made that exercise wasn't high on his list and his reasoning is actually pretty sound. He lived to the age of 82.

"I believe that every human has a finite number of heartbeats. I don't intend to waste any of mine running around doing exercises." ~ Neil Armstrong

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Saddest Place on Earth

How can they do it? How can they be so crass and uncaring to not allow puppies OR ice cream cones. There is only misery here. Nothing more.

Checking Out the New Blogger

I couldn't tell you when the new one went live or what it's all about, but apparently Blogger is all new and has a better interface than ever before. I'm avid on both Tumblr and Wordpress but I've never really gotten into Blogger. Today's the day.

Here's a picture. How does it look?